
2020-6-6 11:29 来源: iGDP

美国能源部长丹·布劳耶特(Dan Brouillette)2月在葡萄牙的液化天然气工厂访问期间。图片来源:美联社/Armando Franca

2020年5月18日,美国能源部长丹·布劳耶特(Dan Brouillette)在接受Axios独家采访中表示,银行对北极石油和天然气钻井融资的限制类似于过去的做法——所谓的歧视——即不向有色人种提供贷款。
Bank restrictions on the financing of oil and gas drilling in the Arctic are akin to past practices —known as redlining — of not loaning to communities of color, Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette told Axios in an exclusive interview.
A decades-long battle over Arctic drilling is suddenly escalating even as the world grapples with a pandemic. Five of America’s six biggest banks have recently announced they won’t finance oil and gas development in the Arctic, prompting conservative and industry backlash.
Since last December, five of America’s six biggest banks — Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, Citi, Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan — have announced they won’t directly finance new oil and gas development in the Arctic. This includes specifically the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
"For years and years and years, banks would not lend money, insurance companies would not write policies in minority areas in the country. Redlining is the term used all throughout those debates. We didn’t want banks redlining certain parts of the country. We don’t want that here. I do not think banks should be redlining our oil and gas investment across the country." — Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette

