
2019-8-7 10:29 来源: 气候变化与低碳经济学


图1.碳排放和商业周期注。绘制了1973Q1-2016Q3的实际GDP对数和碳排放对数的周期性成分。 这两个变量均按人均计算。 使用Hodrick-Prescott滤波器提取循环组件。 灰色阴影表明衰退。 同期相关系数为0.64,p值为0.00。

AbstractCarbon emissions and real GDP are strongly correlated over the U.S. business cycle. This relationship suggests that macroeconomic shocks inducing cyclical fluctuations in output should also account for the cyclical behavior of emissions and motivates our analysis. We begin by expanding the set of technology shocks in a popular emissions-augmented dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model from the literature, and show that the model generates positive emissions-GDP comovements to each shock through distinct channels. We then estimate the emissions’ response to empirically identified technology shocks using structural vector autoregressions (SVARs). Using the SVARs, we also rank the shocks in terms of explaining the emissions’ forecast error variation. While emissions tend to rise gradually after most shocks, consistent with their theoretical counterparts, the impulse responses are not statistically significant. Unanticipated technology shocks account for less than 10 percent of the variation in emissions. By contrast, anticipated investment technology shocks account for 25 percent of the variation. Government spending and monetary policyshocks account for less than 1 percent. Importantly, close to two thirds of the variation in emissions appears to be due to a structural shock not yet identified in the literature.
Hashmat Khan,Konstantinos Metaxoglou,Christopher R.Knittel,Maya Papineau. "Carbon emissions and business cycles." Journal of Macroeconomics,60(2019):1-19

